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Anna Netrebko Russian Soprano Condemned For Putin Support

Anna Netrebko: Russian Soprano Condemned for Putin Support

Criticism from the Opera World

World-renowned opera singer Anna Netrebko has come under fire for her lack of public criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with many in the opera world calling for her removal from future performances. Netrebko, who holds Austrian and Russian citizenship, has been a vocal supporter of Putin in the past, and her continued silence on the Russian invasion of Ukraine has angered many.

Consequence of her Actions

The Metropolitan Opera in New York has already canceled Netrebko's scheduled appearances for the 2022-23 season, and other opera houses around the world are considering similar measures. This is a significant blow to Netrebko's career, as she is one of the most sought-after sopranos in the world.

Netrebko's Potential Statement

Netrebko has yet to issue a public statement condemning Putin's actions in Ukraine, but it is possible that she may do so in the future in an attempt to salvage her career. However, it remains to be seen whether her apology will be enough to appease critics who believe that she has remained complicit in Putin's war.


Anna Netrebko's career is now at a crossroads. Her silence on the Russian invasion of Ukraine has alienated many of her fans and colleagues, and she faces an uncertain future in the opera world. Whether she can regain the respect of the international community remains to be seen, but her actions have undoubtedly left a lasting stain on her legacy.
